Sunday, January 30, 2011

All good things must come to and end ....


Outside my window... another hot day of over 100C
I am thankful for... the fabulous summer break I had
From the kitchen... Den made a batch of pasta sauce for dinner during the week
I am wearing... grey 3/4 trackies and singlet top
I am creating... organised piles of worksheets for my class
I am going... to the park shortly & Katie can't wait to ride her bike
I am reading... the most fabulous book
I am hoping... the transition to work won't be too painful
I am hearing... the neighbours air conditioner and Katie constantly repeating she wants to go out and ride her bike
Around the house... all is very quiet in the heat of the day
One of my favorite things... all these songs Katie and I sing to each other
A few plans for the rest of the week... last beach day tomorrow, then work begins

Here are some pictures I am sharing ...

You can join the simple woman's daybook where every day is a blank page..... and participate in creating a list of the simple things and every day moments of our daily lives.

One of my P52 selections

Some photos from today - trying to teach Katie to ride without training wheels! Den is a bit of a master at this - TG! After our walk today (practice run to school so Katie could find the bike shed and her classroom) I realised her bike was waaay too small. She has to move up to Hugh's old bike (a boy bike Mum yuck!) but learn to ride without training wheels. To her credit, as Den just told her not to use th pedals and glide for starters, she did amazing!

In this photo below, Den had to ride back home to adjust the seat so Katie could reach the ground. It is stinking hot here today and the children waited up under the tree.

So much 'advice' from the two experts!

Of course it was not all smooth sailing! LOL!

To say Katie was enthusiastic about trying is an understatement. I am really proud of my Princess! We should have started this at the beginning of the holidays, not the end! Yikes!

My P52 ... had to have a photo to mark this major milestone! And I think the face here says it all!


Jodie Redman said...

Yay Katie! You won't be able to stop her now! I can't believe holidays are over they seemed to go so quickly! I am not ready for back to reality just yet :-( Hope you have a wonderful day at the beach tomorrow and here's to a fantastic 2011 school year!

Sue said...

Morning Helen,

And so you come to the end of another super summer holiday! I had a chuckle when I saw Den riding Katie's "new" bike and WTG Katie on learning to ride without stabilisers. I remember having the same sort of facial expression myself. I'm sure all us girls can sympathise ... been there, done that, experienced the pain. Ouch!

Enjoy your last day at the beach. I'll be thinking of you as I watch the tennis final in about an hours time. Of course I'll be cheering on Andy!

Don't be too apprehensive about the return to work, think of it more as a blank canvas, just waiting for your creative touch. It’ going to be fine. Keep saying it & it will happen ♥


margote05 said...

A big BRAVO to Katie!! And it is true that on the last photo, we guess the enthusiasm and the enjoyment;) Katie is radiant. You are lucky to be hot, here it is so cold. But this weekend, the sun is there then even if it is very very cold, that makes the good. Pass very good week and good courage for the sheets of calculation;)

Life in Colors said...

Wow, go Katie go !!!!! Summer vacation already over, how time flies he ? Hope you had a wonderful time, now getting back to work and school, good luck !!

Yummers! said...

Applause for Katie and her crew!! So grown up! I love the photo of her tying her shoes. She'll be dating before you know it... he,he.

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations KATIE!!
you'll remember the day by the fantastic photos your mama took.

Hope the transition back to work goes smoothly - I'm sure it will - it helps being a great teacher!

Can hardly believe the weather reports from Australia!

try to keep cool keep in touch!

lotsa hugs

Nancy said...

i am so going to try that simple woman's daybook, not sure i understand it yet, but i'll have to read about it. LOVE that picture of den on the bike and katie sure looks like she had a blast!

LOFT said...

I'm SO glad you got that triumphant photo of her after she mastered this new task! I still remember teaching myself to ride--it was on a 26" boys' bike on gravel so I feel her pain when I see that one photo. ;)

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