The highlight of the week was undoubtedly my boy getting presented with an award on Friday. Den and I are just both so proud. Hugh received "student of the term" for organisation! (wonder where he gets that from ... let me just so check my list - bwahahaha!)
Both children received this particular term award this year. I am thrilled .... must be doing something right! But as I said to a friend, it's such a classic. Katie's in term one was for 'getting along' ie. party girl and Hugh's is for perseverance and organisation. Sums up my two perfectly.
The highlight for Katie was her 'high tea' on Saturday morning. Denis promised this particular morning and much was planned. At least you know Den is a 'hands on Dad' and pulls it all off beautifully! After the initial squealing and playing, we settled down to some craft activities, eating and then outside to enjoy the spring sunshine.
Below is the Chonk working away on the craft table.
Then outside to my fave sidewalk chalk.
And what was on the menu I hear you ask? Den was racking his brain and finally decided on pancakes with strawberries and ice cream. Yum-oh!
It is always sad when everyone has to leave but I hope the smile below is of a very satisfied girl.
Shock of all shocks our cat 'monster' came out to see what all the noise was about.
He would just about brave anything to be with his Daddy ... did you know Den is the 'cat whisperer"! Truly!
And after all his hard work, here is Den reclining on the driveway just taking it all in. I want to take this opportunity to thank Den for being an incredible father and amazing chef! Love you babe.

And I am such a HUGE fan of Yoshiko. She consistently produced amazing kits ... this movie night one was perfect for a page I never thought to scrap before but so happy I did.

Finally Matrioshki came up with an amazing 'boy collab'. I did change half the elements to b/w, but it suited the page so much.
Now to scrapping this week. So much going on .... it is all rather exciting. I tell you, my scrapping life and cyber friends keep my creative heart burning when real life gets in the way! Remember to click on all images for credits.
Firstly some amazing pages from Cinzia Designs. I just could not get over how its out of the box for me, but all came together so well. I will try anything.

So much yumminess at Matrioshki ... I could not wait to scrap with this fabulous kit by Toma.

And I am such a HUGE fan of Yoshiko. She consistently produced amazing kits ... this movie night one was perfect for a page I never thought to scrap before but so happy I did.

Finally Matrioshki came up with an amazing 'boy collab'. I did change half the elements to b/w, but it suited the page so much.
Looks like a great week, Helen.
So much to be thankful for!
You are one busy gal... and Mom... and wife... and creative queen!!
Love the tea party!
Congrats to your parenting and the awards which reflected it!!
You always motivate me to get scrapping. Actually working on my Summer 2010 album... trying to finish it up so I can move on.
Love to all the Hancocks!!
Hey Helen,
Firstly I just wanna say that the colour of those orchids is just mind blowing, I've never seen anything quite like it. WTG Den, great choice!
Congrats to Hugh & Katie - 2 peas definitely from the Hancock pod (so-to-speak!). Hugh is the spitting image of Den!!!
Tea parties are sooooooo much fun & when combined with crafting, well, you're onto a definite winner. Looks like the girls (+ Monster) had fun.
Your scrapping this past week has been fabulous. I particularly like the collage LO's, oh & the beautiful blending on that last one. Breathtaking.
Hope this coming week passes quickly for you & you can have a bit of a breather during the school break!
Take care.
those flower are gorgeous! and congrats to hugh on his award!!
I know you're looking forward to getting through this week....sounds like you need a break from work!
The orchid is gorgeous! It's so lovely to have flowers in the house, isn't it?!
Your kids are amazing....good to know that they are both thriving in school and continue to get awards! And Katie's tea party looked just terrific! What could be better for a group of girls than a party like that and a Daddy willing to cook for them! Awesome!!
Have yourself a good week, Helen! And at the end there will be a reward for you, of some time off!!
Wow!!! what a great hubby...and a super father to pull off the tea!! LOve all the goodies here fun to stop by and see what your adorable family is up to!!
Helen, your family is such a reflection of the wonderful person that YOU ARE!! Amazing! And that orchid Den gave you.....WOWZERS! As SUe said...mind blowing! Hope all is well friend.
loving all the photos!!!! The photo of your breakfast made me starving! Yum.
*sigh* your scrapping makes me want to get back into it again. Soon I hope...
P.S. COngrats on the awards!!!!
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