Firstly some excting news. I read this book below a few months ago and LOVED it! You know me .... anything to do with Austen! A real modern day Agatha Christie type approach. I went to check out the author, hoping for further reads, but alas it was her first. I droppped her a line. Well ... to cut a long story short, we are now 'friends' (thanks to Facebook). Sometimes the internet is an amazing place. Got to love that. We even discuss who we would both love to play one of the lead roles. Lyn is a wonderful person and I eagerly await her next novel.
Anyway, needless to say I could not attend any English book signing so Lyn asked for my snail mail to send me something similar to what you see below! She wrote: I've just had the idea to do some signed bookplates for readers who show a particular interest in the book, but where I can't get to sign their copies for them (which is not too say I wouldn't do just about anything for a trip to Aus!). Anyway, I've found some nice ones that actually show Jane Austen's school, which happens to be in the town nearest to where I live, so it all comes together really nicely! I know it's not much in itself, but would you like one?
Would I like one! Thank you so much Lyn! You are wondeful! And here is a LINK to Lyn's website.

I have some collages to share of my shadow ... I mean dear daughter! A couple of weekends ago she ventured into the 'slosh' which is our backyard for some 'investigations'! I particularly like the wiped mud marks on the back of her skirt!

Last weekend she was busy creating. I just did a scrap page this week about my 'box' cupboard! Katie is SO creative at the moment, Denis and I are impressed with her ingenuity. Here she is busy making people out of toilet paper rolls, a bedroom with individual chocolate box beds and a small sultana box as a TV (mind you NO ONE has a TV in their bedroom!) LOVE IT!

My boy is coasting along ... getting back into online gaming with his Dad which is nice to see. Den is appreciative of the male bonding time Hugh is craving for. Still you will mostly find him outside kicking the football around. Weekend before last he got his first shiner at football ... worthy of a P52 photo of the week would you not say.
This week's P52 I spied while getting the mail out of my letterbox! Still in love with my 50mm lens and our early morning dew!
Now onto scrapping news, please click on all images for credits.
Leiko Beck is guest designing this month ... please see HER BLOG for all details. A new kit which is just fantastic is on offer.
Oscraps gallery is finally back up .... how we have all missed our hOme! Be sure to check out all this yumminess!
One page for Sue Cummings with some gorgeous brush work from Nina Scraps:

Fun! Fun! New additions to Nina's Designs:

Molly (aka Biograffiti) is doing the Digi Dare this week ... check it out ... provided some wonderful scrap therapy for yours truly:
Hello Helen! I hope that everything is well for you! I have once again just feasted to look at your photos and at your pages! I like particularly the photos of Hugh and the cobweb! They are magnificent! And very favorite for your page Twilight;) good week to you all!
That is very cool that you are becoming friends with an author you love! I'll have to go check out those beautiful scrap pages in detail later today.
Oh, that is so cool that you are 'friends' with that author, Helen! I'm sure she appreciates your enthusiasm for her work! Oh, wouldn't it be cool if she gave you an advanced copy of her next book to proof!!! Love Katie's creativity! And that you're enjoying your work so much! Great pages, as always! Hugs, my friend!
Great work Helen! Your scraps and photos are always a pleasure to view. What age are you teaching now?
We go back Sept. 1. Bitter sweet!
I love how the internet makes this world of ours seem so small! I'd never of thought I'd be in contact with people from every corner of the earth & that we'd all share this wonderful hobby of ours ... just amazing!
Like you (& hundreds of other people) I'm soooooo happy the O gallery is back up & running! Is it my imagination or is the forum there even busier now too? Love it! Love all your LO's Helen ... it'll take me a while to catch up with everything, but I will get round to commenting on them all ... I promise!
Hope you have a fun week too!
I so look forward to your posts.
I miss you my friend. I can't wait till life slows down for me again.
I'm playing catch-up on your 2 weeks blogging - that shot of Hugh is priceless - I'm just surprised it didn't happen earlier (you know me, worried old lady :) )
So thoughtful of the author Lynn Shepherd to send you a gift - I have now put the book on my list. I love the Regency Period and have dozens of non-fiction books (in Brighton of course) also Tudor Period
Your cobweb photo is wonderful - I have never managed to catch one - or if I do it doesn't turn out.
Your layouts are inspirational - you are one talented photographer and layout artist, my dear
loving thoughts to you and family
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