So finally the ground became hard enough for the truck and this massive piece of machinery to enter and dig up our backyard on Thursday. For you see Thursday and Friday were balmy springy days.
But then came Saturday ....
A complete change in the weather was to witness us get a months worth of rain in one day! Yikes! It seems we now had a swimming pool! LOL! Now the waiting game begins again as we will have to wait for this to dry up before the concrete can be poured. That does not look like happening any time soon. :(
One of my important rules in this house is if you use the last item you MUST write it on the shopping list so it can be replaced. Don't blame me if we run out of something. When I saw this on the list I laughed so hard. Here is Katie attempting to write she wants more 'fruit toast' but the little darlin' wrote the brand name "mighty soft" down ... good on her for trying I say!
And by the way XOXO is not hugs and kisses LOL ... it's our abbreviation for a lunch snack called 'naughts and crosses' LOL!
And yes Selena ... she has to do her 'best writing' on Mamma's shopping list and confine what she writes to one line LOL ... not bad hey for a Preppie!
Now to scrapping news ... please click on all pages for credits.
First up we have some fun new releases at MScraps:
I bet the kids will enjoy playing in their new "pool." I'm sure some interesting layouts will follow. Nothing like a little mud pie. I just don't know how you can keep up with so many CTs. You are so fab! Happy Anniversary!
Hey Helen,
Welcome back to Blogland (I missed not reading a post for you last Sunday!).
OMGoodness just look at your garden / water-feature / mud-hole!!! Hope it dries out quickly for you, but like Kym said, there's a definite photo opportunity just round the corner!
I'll never ceased to be amazed at well you cope with so many commitments (& I don't just mean CT's) but I do love being inspired by you / your LO's!
Happy anniversary for tomorrow and hope you have a well deserved rest on Tuesday.
Until next time, take care of you & yours!
Maybe it's a sign that you should just keep digging and pour a pool :)
have the kids gone out to play in the temporary pool at all? i would!
Happy Anniversary to you both! How ever do you find the time to do all that scrapping? I've basically given it up... just not time. I can SO completely relate to the flooded backyard! I have the same problem! Looks like you'll need to put a drain in there somewhere! LOL Keep us posted on the progress!
A cement backyard... makes sense to me. No more grass to cut and a huge patio for parties. Dig away!!
I am goofy crazy over the photo of Katie on the sand in that breezy skirt! Hurray for warm weather!!
Hugs to all!
And indeed, it is an attractive swimming pool that you have Helen there! Really, it is not of luck and I hope that the weather report will be more clement in the next days so that you can pour the concrete as expected. But I have to admit that I laughed a lot by reading your report lol!
Once again, your pages are really magnificent but I have an enormous very favorite for the page realized for Sue! I love!!!! Good week to you
Oh Helen...I am so sorry about the swimming pool!!! that didn't sound right..shouldn't I be happy about a swimming pool? Anyway, you know what I mean!! LOL!! when it rains it pours huh?
About your pages, I have no words, you know I love them!!
Have a good week!
((laughting behind myhand) well stop laughting val, this is NOT funny...
Hope it will dry quickly, andthatyou will laught about soon, when it is over! ;-)
thinking of you sweetie
((HUGS)) and thanks!!!
Hey Heleny,
(hmmm, doesn't really go down that well ...)
thanks for dropping by my blog and writing a few comments :) Me = very happy. Even if I am without reliable internet connection (waiting for new modem to come in mail), no water (had to turn off water tank pump because my kitchen tap broke off and spewed water out for about an HOUR!!) Which also means no toilet water or washing hands after nappy changing - ewwww. I had to put down one of my prized guinea pigs today that I sourced from Melbourne. I broke her foot and she also had a prolapsed uterus and had all kinds of awful stuff hanging out. Vet was awfully nice but bedazzled when I asked her if we could somehow stuff it all back in???? Hmmm. No home landline phone because I've attempted to plug in old modem to help with my internet withdrawal. Can't get ute out of garage to drive anywhere because electronic door is stuck at knee-height. But, on the up-side - my three kids DON'T have whooping cough!! Yay.
So, how was your day - besides the flooding I mean (giggle!!!)
and I actually meant to say that your daughter's shopping list is soooooo cute and precious!!!
Love your layouts. But you already know that :/
Yikes! Can't wait to hear the update on your "pool!" Hope your anniversary was great. :) Wonderful layouts!
love your los as usual :-D and your new swimming pool :-D lolllllllll
Happy anniversary!!!
Oh wow, a real pool in your backyard ?! Wish our backyard was big enough! But where is your summer ? I see rain, just like here...
Have a great day, xxx
I love Katie's additions to your shopping list! We have the same rules around here, and I've become accustomed to seeing my little man's writing on the list!
So sorry your backyard project got rained out! The best laid plans....hopefully it would be too long before it dries out and you can proceed with the concrete!
*gasp* I'm a little green over here! A pool!!!!!! If anyone deserves it, it is you chicky!
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