Saturday, January 23, 2010

I think I can .... I think I can ...

Okay ... I admit it. I have hit my wall. Five weeks into summer break and I am sooo tired! One more week to go ... I think I can! I do it to myself every break with the children but I would not really change a thing. I love them so.

This week we went to work on Monday, Bunnings on Tuesday (made door hangers), library on Wednesday, hospital for Hugh (still working at it) and met Grandma & Pa Thursday, library summer reading presentation Friday and picnic in the park today.

I am tired.

This coming week fingers crossed Den gets his time off, unlike the supposed "break" between Christmas and New Year. I hope we have some nice family time together. Then on Feb.1 Hugh goes to school and Feb.2 my girl goes to school.

So a big week or so coming up. I hope to rest up this week and then keep myself busy as we all adjust to our new routine come February.

Today we met friends in the park and had a lovely bbq!

Here is my photo for P52 this week. Photo 3: the kids have been reading all summer and for every ten books they read they scored one of these funky wrist bands.

Here is my photo for PCF Challenge this week - "listen to the music". A great challenge from Amy. Today Katie bought me these flowers in bed and I thought it would make a nice photo and then I thought of the Neil Diamond song "you don't bring me flowers".

I am also going to have a go at Liz's "develop on Fridays" photo assignments. If you would like to learn more (it's on Facebook and Flickr) CLICK HERE.

Here are my scrap pages this week - thanks for looking and click on the page for credits.


Life in Colors said...

So, you have been busy I see. I know you getting tired of all kids actitvity's, but hey they are fun aren't they? Have a wonderful weekend!

Kami said...

Oh change is never easy, but all will fall into a new routine soon and you can breathe again!! I cannot believe that Katie starts school, wow!!!! Beautiful pages this week too, Helen!! ((hugs))

Unknown said...

where to begin...well, to be fair, your posts are long, so i guess my comments can match?? hahahaha

i'm glad you've had a busy summer, those are the best kind! sigh... it's always my goal to just be exhausted at the end of summer! and katie goes to school next week?!!! ok, so deep breath! *smile* your doing so wonderfully helen. i admire you very much.... you take on so much and deal with it with so much grace...

i love all the 'stores' you have that provide so much for the kids!

now on to your lo's! they are ALL awesome... i couldn't get over he colour combo's of the first 2! they are beautiful and i loved them.... then my next fav would be of katie 'surfing' that wave! hahahahaha.
all in all, wow!

photography... i can't wait to get this project started... and more, i am going to love learning from all the ladies participating as well...

oh, and just fyi?? i love your voice! i watched a pst you did with video of you guys at the beach, i think i must have listened to it, like, 6 or so times! hahahahahaha

until the next time my computer allows me to comment!


Jacqueline said...

No wonder you're feeling tired!
But the memories you've captured - beautiful photos and layouts - you'll look back at them come Christmas and laugh and smile and won't remember the tired bit!
I didn't know Hugh wasn't feeling well... (being new friend :) )
Those first 2 layouts scream off the page! Incredible colours and the first with circle of colour round the photo of 3 walking away and of course the second with all the colour around sweet katie.
not long for the big day - I have it marked on my calendar -
lotsa hugs, Helen!

Unknown said...

Helen - not surprised you are tired with all that on, have a good w/e

Jodie Redman said...

Amazing pages as always Helen - I don't know how you do it!! I am so tired too, I am struggling for things to do this last week.... I am looking forward to having a break with the kids at school but I am also very teary at the thought of my baby girl at school - although she is SO ready and SO excited!! Have a wonderful last week of holidays!! See you bright and early next Monday!

Flowers said...

Nice blog. Each and every picture on your blog looks awesome and properly customized. Everything looks perfect on your blog.

margote05 said...

I hope that the comeback is well to be supposed to be for everybody!!!! The week to come risk of being even more tiring! Good courage Helen! As usual, I feast! I like very much the photo of flowers on the bed! And your pages are more beautiful the some than the others! Every time, I want to say which I prefer and every time, I cannot choose because they are all very beautiful!!! Good resumption to everybody

Nancy said...

the wine shots are absolutely fabulous! really love the one you put in the collage. i've been thinking about doing develop, i quickly read liz's blog post on it, but i need to read it again to make sure i understand.

Val said...


Helen your shots are fab, and your LO are just as fab as the shot.
You are amazing!

Thansk for sharing!!!

Sue said...

OK, so I've come to the conclusion that you must be Superwoman! There's no way I could half the things you do in a week, and I don't even have kids!!!

I've taken a peek at Liz's photography project, and I notice you've already completed the 1st assignment ... congrats girl! I'm still struggling to find something worth taking at least 75 photos of!

Anyhoo, no doubt we'll bump into each other in the forums / galleries, but in case I forget, hope you have fab Australia Day celebrations!


katell said...

I Love your green's lo :-)))
But I'm don't're tired because you're on holidays with children ??? !!? :-D I think it's because you want to do billions of me !!!lol!!!!

Che said...

Helen, you are so amazing! Every time I visit your blog I am always inspired by your photography, your layouts, and especially your love and commitment to your family. Love your idea with the wrist bands! It's something I will definitely try with my daughter when she can read! hehehe. Have a great week!

Leah said...

Crossing my fingers that Den gets his time off! and I'll be thinking of you come Feb!

Develop on Fridays sounds intriguing doesn't it? I hope to play along as time allows :)

Yummers! said...

Bless Bunnings Hardware! They are the best hardware shop in the world!! We have nothing like that here.

Your scrapping is so fantastic!! You are actually inspiring me to play a bit today. I bought shadowboxes to play with. Martha Stewart calls them 'scrap boxes'... she did a show around them. Lots of room for creativity!

Thanks for all the kind words Helen. They help keep me afloat!
Grammy J

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