Monday, July 27, 2009

Reading can reduce stress

Just doing my blog runs and came across this at my library blog and thought to share:
According to research from the University of Sussex:
"Reading is the best way to relax and even six minutes can be enough to reduce the stress levels by more than two thirds..." This could occur by up to 68%.(Source: Telegraph)
It also found that it does so more quickly than other relaxation methods, including music, a walk or a cuppa.
It is believed that reading takes the mind away from other concerns and into alternative worlds and hence relieves the tension.
You can read more about the study at "Reading 'can help reduces stress'."


Leah said...

Yup! I'm loving that photo. A good book and a pot of tea. Hmmmm, I think I might do the same.

Like I was saying to you, reading has reduced a ton of stress for me! Cool article :)

Unknown said...

so there is a method to my madness when the kids have those days where they want to drive eachother nuts, you know those days? every thing is a fight. I make them each take a room and read for 1/2 an hour or more. and it works!!! now I know why....

is there anything better than either early morning (being I am a morning person,heehee) or when everyone is in bed, sitting with a hot cup of tea and a good book...
sigh, there is nothing like it!

Nini said...

Oh yes, nothing better than to curl up with good book & a cup of tea to keep you perfect company!

...better yet, having bibliophile friends to talk about them too!

Lenore Ryan said...

Great photo, Helen!! I've gotten soooo bad at making time to read....something always gets in the way. I read all the time, but not books...magazines, newspapers, etc. The only time I actually sit down with a book is when we are camping....something about being out in nature!! Maybe when I slow down this winter, I will get move involved again in book reading!

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