1.Show us your first scrapbook page (eekkk!!)
2. Write a couple of lines about the scrap - associated with your feelings, your thoughts and when you did it
3. Pass the game on to 5 person and leave a comment on their blog....I'm passing it on to:
Leah, Jodie, Laura, Kami, Joni, Val, Melly, Nancy, Maria T, Lenore, Christine, Astrid....is that more than five? LOL Have I left anyone out?
Come on this will be fun .... I mean seriously! I am embarrassed to show mine :)
Here goes ....
Now don't ask me to credit these - lol - never did that when I first started! Sheesh! Up until a year ago I was scrapping on a very basic scrapping program - Creative Keepsakes - can you believe it, and so limited in what I could do. I think all of the above came with the program. Now don't ask me when I made them either, sorry .... no idea. I have been scrapping for about three years I think. I had to show you two, one for my boy and one for my girl. Katie's page may even have been a quick page I think! But I loved the photo. She was watching her Daddy at the window washing his car. Seems she has always liked the camera on reflection LOL! Hugh's well .... lol .... Den used to do a martial art called "kendo" and Hugh would follow everything he did, until finally they gave him his own uniform and shinai (stick - I know scary...little boys and sticks!) He was two at the time and so darn cute copying these big men!
Well that was not so painful as I first thought. Thanks Maria, I thoroughly enjoyed my trip down memory lane.
I think the first layout I ever did was for chris... hopefully he kept it secure ... somewhere...
I gonna dig for this layout!
trhanks for sharing!
( btw, I have the credit : shabby princess ... lol... That were the only freebie I foiund at that time ;-) )
Great stuff Helen! That is fab photos of both of them! Isn't it great to look back and see both photos and pages! Great playing with you! Thanks for sharing!
thanks for sharing these. it's so funny to see how we've progressed.
Eeeek!! Your kiddos are so cute!!! I loved seeing these pages, Helen!!! Ok, well I will have to think about posting mine, but gosh I may have even deleted the very first one, it was horrible I am sure!! LOL!!
This was fun!! Memory lane for sure.......
Thanks for tagging me, Helen!
Fun game!
Melly :)
That photo of Hugh is just about the cutest thing I have ever, ever seen!! Standing so straight, tall, and proud... "Just like Daddy"!!
As we'd say in the US... you've come a long way baby!
Ohh how precious these photo's are!! Look how small Katie is, just too cute, but still the same face, lol, and Hugh, he's adorable in his outfit. Have to post mine now, eeeeekkkkk.
Wow, I am happy I didn't miss this one!! How fun to see your first scrapbook pages ever. Your kids are so small!!! How cute cute Hugh looks in his outfit!!! and Katie looks so adorable. She still has the same look in her eyes :)
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