Why is January always the quickest month of the year? Summer holidays might have something to do with it ... anyways, work/school resumes tomorrow and the ol' routine kicks in once more. We have all had a good break and are as ready as we will ever be to begin our new year. I have the same Grade 5/6 class and Hugh is going into Grade 5 (with 1-2 iPads if you don't mind) and Katie my little Grade 2 girl! What adventures await us all. Both will continue there football and dancing activities as well this year.
But first, a reflection on the month that was .....
Den and I spent some lovely days together ..... he is my rock.

The kids and I always enjoy each others company and fill our days over summer. I am a mother that likes hanging out with my kids doing stuff, playing games or just relaxing in our own individual pursuits.

We played loads of games as always ... Cluedo was a big hit this summer and Scrabble/Words with Friends on the iPad/iTouch.

We had a wonderful family day out to the Enchanted Maze ... I think the tube rides were a BIG highlight! Katie was scared at first and Den took her down (I don't do rides LOL) and then she was happy (and so was Hugh thankfully) for them to go down together. Both love takign photos and that of course makes me very happy :)

I am still excited about my literary focus this year ... and love all the books I have been reading so far. I hope there are many more to come.

I am having great fun with my "from where I stand" photo group ... thus all the shots of my feet! It's all good. The kids really got into the tennis/Aus Open this year and it looks as if we may be having regular games and Hugh considers himself the next big champion ;)

As always, January involves many beach days. Hugh is getting a bit reluctant at times to go, but once there they both go crazy and hours just fly by in the sun! Love it.
I like your new blog header! I hope you feel rested and have a great school session. :)
Your photos warm me!!! Here, it freezes and the weather report plans-9°C for end of the week!!! Brrrrrrrrrr That pleases me to read that everything is well for you. I like very much the photos of the park labyrinth!!! They are very beautiful! Good luck for the resumption! Hugs
I'm so happy to know you had a wonderful time during the holidays, Helen! I hope everything went well going back to school and job too. :) Hugs!!!
I love all of your feet pictires. I have a scrapbook shaped like a shoe and it's called Shoes, Socks, and Feet. It has crazy photos in it.
PS My blog is up and active again.
Your comment made me laugh because from where I stand (and where I live actuallay), January is the longest month of the year (winter, short days and long nights... looking forward to August!)
Beautiful pics anyway!
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