Our calendar on the fridge helps us keep track and look forward to things!

I was lucky enough to open the App store one day this week and find the usual $9 apps on sale for $1!! YAY! Monopoly for Ipad has been loads of fun ... with such realistic noises and moves, one just has to love the way the car literally zooms around the board! Best of all, the click of a button for packing up or better yet, easily suspended to be continued for another day.

Den has been trying to teach Hugh some basic electronics ... it's just wonderful to watch.

Den has this coming week off, so lots of just 'hanging around' - literally as you can see! Den took this photo below; what chance do I have of ever training this cat if he thinks it absolutely wonderful to capture him basking in the sun on the kitchen table!
Move over Achilles ... that's my spot!
Oh Helen! I just love the last photo!!! :) Happy to see you're having fun! Big hugs!!!
Hope you have a GREAT winter break Helen! Seems so weird saying that, when the kids here are just about to break up for their 6 week summer holiday! I wish I could have 6 weeks off work ... there are sooooooo many things I'd like to get done, but weekends just aren't long enough (almost makes me wish I wasn't back at work ... almost!). Anyhoo, have fun & I look forward to reading / seeing all about it!!!
How cool that Den is teaching Hugh some stuff about electronics. That would be a very handy bit of knowledge!
Enjoy the break Helen! Looks like it s gonna be a busy one.
Those sound like really fun plans! Very cool that your hubby understands electronics. I'm sure Hugh will pick it up like nothing--kids are so sharp these days! You have definitely made me wish for an iPad. LOL
Take advantage of school holidays. For me, it is summer holidays. But that passes very very fast! Hugs
Can I borrow your organization skills? Pretty, pretty please?? Am in desperate need of it, haha! I am sure you will bask in the glory of all that delicious family time. Can't wait to read more about your adventures!!xo
Oh you also have a school holiday. Here three weeks are already over, three more to go untill school starts again. I see monopoly on your photo's, Keanu just got Pinguin panic from his birthday money, you had the same game am I right? I would love to see Rio, we love to play Angry birds, hehe. Enjoy your holiday, I go back to work on monday. Roland has one more week with the kids. Oh and have fun playing mini golf, just like we did, lol.
That is one seriously handsome cat! Such character in the face LOL
He's a lucky duck (cat) if you ask me :)
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