Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup and a royal birthday

Let me say straight out ... we are not a soccer nation. AFL (Australian Rules Football) and rugby are our thing. There is soccer to be had ... but when you say 'football' in Australia you ain't talkin' about soccer. Still ... this World Cup fever is worldwide - isn't it great! And it brings back so many memories of the time I lived in Africa. Hugh has gone nutso on it ... McDonalds (got to love those happy meals! NOT!) that make a child want the whole collection of whatever is on offer. And now there is the "free" (*snort*) FIFA Coke glass ... got those as well; and don't forget the "free" Aussie green and gold scarf to collect with your newspaper (thanks Grandma and Pa for that one!) - it is neverending! Still I see it as a geographic exercise for Hugh and we are having a blast recognising the flags and who is playing whom. And my girl .... well my dear friend Nini can be blamed for her interest! LOL! Nini recommended the Shakira song (see my "listening to" in sidebar). Now you just gotta love the internet when you can go "yup .... get that song NOW". Instantaneous gratification hey. So now Katie and I are having a BLAST doing the "waka waka" around the house - but only when Den is not around - he is sick of it already! LOL! Thanks Nini!

It is a long weekend here ... got to love those. It's the Queen of Englands birthday - well not really her actual day but its when we get a public holiday - so hey! A bonus day for my family to all be together then I am all for it! Happy Birthday Lizzie - here's to the Commonwealth! I just wish the weather were kinder .... never mind. Katie and I are doing some fun things together ... loads of jig saw puzzles and Den bought her the latest issue of "In the Night Garden" magazine with a packet of Iggle Piggle snap cards. Yup ... this Mum is having a blast this weekend ;) Would I trade spots? Not on your Nelly!

That is of course after all the chores are done. Don't you just love winter and trying to dry the washing!! I do have a dryer used for emergencies as the 'greenie' in me tries to dry clothes naturally and so my house looks like a laundrette! As I was fixing my washing yesterday I noticed below occuring. The children have swapped chores and now Katie is in charge of emptying the dishwasher! Is it any wonder it ever gets emptied at this rate! This girl makes me laugh so often - especially when all goes quiet and she is sitting in front of the oven talking to herself. She has done that since she was a baby - such a girl!

Photo challenges for this week:

P52 is my new ipad ... yes ... Den surprised me with it. Highly decadent but truly wonderful! The problem is now you have to book time on it! Everyone wants a go as it would seem app after app was being uploaded and it necessitated everyone having their own 'page'. Mine was empty apart from necessities - that is until Nini came to the rescue once more. I now have a 'gratitude' app - LOVE IT!

As you can see below this is NOT my page .... dress up, red carpet, tinkerbell, draw and angry birds ... hummm .. who's page could this be?

PCF Challenge this week was fences ... here are a few snaps I got on my pod walk today.

No this is not a funky new walking style, this is my Den patiently doing stretches waiting for me to do my happy snapping on our daily podwalk - thanks babe!

Scrapping this week: please click on all images for credits.
The latest collab kit out at Shabby Pickle ... "story book" LOVE IT! Forever grateful to Natasha for introducing me to fantasy pages.

This page is for the June CT scraplift at CatScrap:

This page is for Matrioshki 'folk challenge':

Nina has some AWESOME new products out ... waaaaay too much fun with these!

The fabulously talented Nini has a range of new products out ... here is a page with a whole swag of her FREE designs. I love the introspective approach her kits/word art encourage:

Finally Ange has a new kit out "rain coat" - I have to admit a real partiality to non photo pages - love the self expression it allows ... this page includes the lyrics from the Carpenters songs "rainy days and monday get me down". LOADS of rain around here lately .... but my Den and I bounce off each other and support one another. This page is dedicated to him.

Have a super week everyone!


Sue said...

Hey Helen, good to see that World Cup fever has reached your shores! You can't walk 50m round here at the moment without seeing a St George flag flying!!! Several houses on my street currently have red & white bunting style flags on display ... looks pretty cool actually, must try & get a photo!

Now how the heck is it that you guys get a long weekend down under because it's Lizzie's birthday BUT we don't??? Go figure! Hope you enjoy it anyway, whatever you get up to!

And I need to know, what is it that you & Nini did to get your hubbies to buy you both iPads??? I'm seriously jealous now! If I had one, I'd definitely take it with me on holiday, but as it is, I'm gonna be without my beloved laptop for 2 whole weeks ... eeeeekkk ... not sure how I'm gonna cope!

Anyhoo, I'm wishing Australia the best of luck in the match against Germany later today (my time) / tomorrow (your time).


Jodie Redman said...

We are so not interested in the World Cup - wouldn't even know when Australia was playing!! Don't you just love the long weekend (last one for a while) it's such a shame the weather is so bad though. Wow you are so lucky to have an ipad - I'm soooo jealous!! Amazing scrap pages as per usual - I don't know where you find the time! Have a wonderful week!

MariaT said...

You got an ipad?! Cool! Good thing you get an extra holiday to play around with it :)

Nini said...

Hello my friend! I'm glad your enjoying your iPad and during a whole long weekend too!! Thanks for recommending that awesome app! I love it!

It is soccer fever here but we all go for different teams! LOL! Brazil, Italy, Argentina, Germany..... go figure! I guess we have a great excuse to party & get together!

Tell Katie it's the 3 of us doing the waka-waka now!! LOL!!



Amy said...

My kids are all sports and are trying to follow the world cu[, but it's not on often enought to maintain interset. Looks like a great weekend, I do love a long one! Have a great week Helen!

margote05 said...

I love pages made with Nina's kit and that with template of Nini! I find them really fabulous! And waouw, Ipad!!!! I'm jealous ;)
Good week to you all!

Lenore said...

Great to read about your week! It's nice that you had a long weekend (thanks to the queen!) and the extra time to play with your new toy!!! Loved the pics of Katie emptying your dishwasher....I DO remember the pictures of her as a baby, talking to herself infront of your stove!! Too cute.....she's just more grownup now!! Have a great week, my friend!!

Leah said...

Sounds like a super great long weekend. I think you deserved some R&R finally :)

I want one of those IPads so badly...

Love the scrapping!!
Hmm, a gratitude app? I have to go take a peek...

Life in Colors said...

Well soccer fever has started here already weeks ago, you can buy everything in orange, all the shops and streets and houses are........yes; orange, lol. Lots of gadgets in every shop, and every supermarket. Keanu went to school this afternoon for the first time, and guess what they did; yes, they watched the Dutch team played (and won !). Love that Katie also talks in front of the oven to herself, Keanu does the same, lol. You have an i-pad , wow , Roland is soooo jealous at you, hehe. Take care, Astrid.

Jacqueline said...

Ok, so I didn't make your blog Sunday but that means I got to enjoy the special treat today.
World Cup?? Canada didn't even qualify - so who do I root for? England, Germany, USA or Australia?

In this household it's Rugby, Ice Hockey and Baseball no 'soccer'

And Sue, WE don't get a holiday for ER's birthday either and WE are a colony too!

I don't think I have much chance of Herr Tucker buying me an IPAD but if Den wants to send one across the waters? :)

Hope you had a fun weekend - and everyone is well

Fritzie goes Frantic whenever I put the Waka Waka on - I LOVE it. Mind you he doesn't like Mozart or Brahms either.

Layouts and photos again - wonderful - I am one of your biggest fans love the one of Katie in front of oven!


A Look Into Nana;s World said...

So AUSTRALIA gets a holiday for the Queen of England's B-day?? Huh!! I guess SOCCER....yes Football another sport for sure!! the only sport to involve the whole world at the same time!! Congrats on your new IPad!!! That is a fabulous gift!! GREAT PHOTOS and Layouts!!! Thanks for being such an inspiration for me!!

((hugs)) Nana Linda

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