Sunday, May 30, 2010

Exciting news from my digi scrapping world!

Apart from scrapping news, this week has been rather uneventful. Working every day, sick children and poor weather have seen to that. Both children have had coughs and colds and Katie's is just not going away. Hugh stayed home with Den on his RDO on Wednesday. More 'father/son' time than anything else I think - but that is not a bad thing. I am in full support of 'mental health days' especially with Dad. I was concerned about Katie however, and told her if she felt unwell at school, they just had to call and either I or Dad would come get her. Well it was Den who got the call on Thursday - after lunch time I might add - she had to play first LOL! Real sick as you can tell! Soooo lucky Den has that flexility to drop everything and run. Still, I think I have been through enough paracetemol and dimetapp to sink a ship this past week.

Photo's this week: I have not had my camera out until today at football - where I stayed in the car for 95% of the time might I add - cold wind blowing. Here is my P52 shot of my sick little pink kitten in the back seat of the car playing the games on "Mamma's ipod".

PCF Challenge this week was set by Leah: white/negative space. Given my rather limited opportunites of this otherwise fave topic of mine, here is my boy at football today. (ps. Leah, please note the length of Hugh's hair! Let's see who can last the longest before a cut shall we - Hugh or Jordan? Hugh was thrilled to tell me his hair was blowing in the wind today LOL!)

Time for scrapping pages this week - please click on all images for credits. First up is a page using the designs of two of my favourite friends Nini and Sandrine! I had a play on words for the 'aries v zen' opposites in me ... 'an aries girl searching for a zen attitude'.

My fabulously talented friend Val has made this amazing kit and her stamps are my absolute fave product of hers. This kit has incredible elements and she even made a Melbourne stamp - thank you Val ... it's Valicious!

Now to my exciting news. I have been asked onto two Creative Teams. Taking on more scrapping responsibilities is not a decision I made lightly. I fully appreciate the goodwill these people extend to me and thank my lucky stars daily for the incredible products I have the privilege to play with. Yes life is busy with family and part time work but scrapping is both my creative outlet and relaxation. It is a very crucial component in my life.
Firstly I was asked by Marina who is setting up a wonderful new Russian site to help out. It is a pleasure to work with these lovely girls and we had fun at an international chat yesterday with people from all over the globe. Please click on the image below to go and have a look around this new site. Matrioshki is of course the famous Russian dolls!

There are some fabulous new designers there and here are a few pages with some of the latest goodies available.

The second team I was asked on was Catscrap. The big draw card here for me is the amazing sister duo of Annika and Maria. Not only are they good friends but I am a HUGE fan of both their work and would love to learn more from them. Annika is working very hard as CT leader over at Catscrap and it pleases me greatly to be able to help her out in my little ways. ie. taking my Aussie sense of fun into their forum ;)
Here is my AAM page:

And another page using these gorgeous papers from Micheline Martin:

Have a peaceful week everyone!


Sue said...

CONGRATULATIONS Helen! WTG on getting these two CT gigs ... both are in for a real treat having you around!!!

Sorry to hear about both Huge & Katie ... Den to the rescue though, that can't be too bad, right?

Quiet week all round I reckon, I keep hearing how cold it is "down under", but I guess it's similar to UK today as we've taken a real dip in temperature compared to last weekend. Hey-hoo, that's the joy of living here I guess!

Once again, congrats on getting on both CT's & hope you all have a happy / healthy week ahead!


Jodie Redman said...

Congratulations Helen! Amazing pages as usual - I don't know how you do it all - just amazing! Hope the kids are feeling better, there seem to be a lot of coughs and colds around at the moment. Have a fantastic week!

Kim H. said...

Congrats! I knew it was catscraps! You will have fun...and I love your AAM page, and that aries page!

Nancy said...

i am truly amazed by your scrap pages. they're absolutely beautiful. hope katie feels better soon, if she's not already.

kym said...

Helen, sorry to hear about all the icky bugs in your house. I hope Katie and Huge feel better. Congratulations on your two new CT positions. I love the watercolor kit from Matrioshki and I especially love what you did with it. Marina and the Catscrap duo are truly lucky to have you. You bring such a fresh perspective and creative twist to everyone's designs. Have a great week!!

margote05 said...

Congratulations for your new CT helen! But that does not amaze me, you have so talent! I hope that the children get better and that you will cross(spend) a good week. For the weather report, here we are almost in summer and the weather is grey and cold! It is demoralizing! We had three days of sun and since the rain non-stop!
I like enormously Kathie's photo, it is really magnificent! And your pages are always a real delight for eyes! Good week to you all

Jacqueline said...

Exciting news - will be following to new sites to leave you some love - if your new layouts are examples of what's to come - it's not going to be a hardship!
Sorry to hear children had sick days - funny Hugh and the hair bit - boys really are not that different from girls in some ways eh?
Love the pink 'sick' Katie photo (hint!)
Just remember that you must make time for you to stay well
Congrats, dear Helen and I know you will make your new ventures a success!

Val said...

helen, my dear,

take care, ok..
congrats for you CT opportunities... have fun!

love YOu

MariaT said...

I can't wait to get inspired by what you create on your new ct's! I hope the sick and mental health days do your family a world of good!

Lenore said...

Sorry to hear that both kids have been under the weather and hope that all will be back to full speed soon!

Congrats on your two new CT positions....don't know where you find the time to do all you do!! Your scrap work is amazing and just continues to get more so!!

BTW.....I LOVE Hugh's hair! :) Hugs to all!

Heather Landry said...

Big congrats on the new CT's! You amaze me girl! I am so sorry that your kiddos have been sick. I hope everyone in your house is well soon!

Jane F. Smith said...

Congrats Helen...they are very smart picking you!! Love that pic of Katie and the pinkness and of course the shot for PCF!!

Leah said...

First I have to say congrats on the CT's! Yeah! I LOVE Catscrap!!!! It's really no surprise that they want you, because you ROCK!

I'll take the haircut bet. I don't think Jordan is budging. *sigh*

I hate fall, because what comes with it is germs. *sigh* Hope they all get better soon! I know there is nothing worse than worrying about them at school, who's going to pick them up, etc, etc. Thank god for Den :)

Leiko said...

Yay! You are an amazing scrapper and speaking from experience, both CT's are SO LUCKY to have you!

Hope the kiddos are feeling better...hubbies with flexible schedules are such a blessing!

Looking forward to seeing more incredible pages from you, friend!


A Look Into Nana;s World said...

Conrats on your new CT gigs Helen!!! How awesome...oh my and how busy!!!!! I don't know how you do it my friend!!!

(((HUGS))) to the babies...I hope they feel well soon...

I am sending you WARM thoughts from this side!!!

and as always...phenominal photos!!!

((HUGS)) Nana Linda

Mystique Designs said...

Congrats Helen :D
I'm so happy I find your blog :D


Nini said...

Hopefully everyone is better by now! Sorry to hear of all the "bugs" going around your home.
Congrats on both of your CT positions my friend! They are truly lucky to have you!!!!
Loving all of your pages as always!

Yummers! said...

Congrats to you, Helen! Two more CTs!! You are sooooo talened... can see why they want you! Soooooo proud of you!!
Grammy J

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

forgive me for delaying this comment and i am catching up all of yours.. btw ( by the way ) where or how do i get this page of you??? ManyThanks for your kindly, Tiffy

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