Sunday, February 07, 2010

And so our year officially begins .....

So this week has been all about going back to school and Katie's first day in the first year of school we call "prep". I am so proud of my girl! She was SOOOO excited. She has been awake after 10pm almost every night this past week, too excited and in anticipation for the next day. How can one be sad about that? She was excited to wear her uniform, pack her bag, happily say goodbye to Wattle (teddy), take good luck wishes on the phone from her Grandma and overall put up with her mother's camera out for most of the morning.

On the quiet I think Hugh is awful tickled to have his little sister with him. Not being needy or high maintenance (just like her Mum - bwahahaha!) she copes just fine and he can handle that. Not sure how sharing of the bathroom will go now that "someone" has to do their hair daily.

Hugh issued strict instructions prior to his little sister commencing school: you were not to do all those “girlie” things if you happened to see him ie. wave, follow him or heaven forbid hug him! He is the most loving little boy at home, however, signs of affection in public are now strictly OUT! Anyway, by day three I think it was too much for him. He WANTED to see Katie, Miss Independent was fine but Hughie loves to be loved. So day three he organises to meet her. “Katie, I’ll find you”. That afternoon he recounted their meeting not failing to include the big hug he received from her at playtime: ”yeah that was okay ... but I did have trouble finding her. All those little girls look the same! You know how I knew which was Katie Mum. She was the one with the biggest smile on her face”. He was proud to see her and thinks having Katie at school is “the best thing”.

The first piece of work bought home is below. Got to love that!

Of course she has had to play "school" every afternoon it's so cute, chair and teddies all set up. But hearing "1,2,3,4 put my bottom on the floor, 5,6,7,8 now my back is nice and straight, 9,10,11,12 this is how my hands are held" for the billionith time was getting somewhat annoying!

I have discovered a fab new podcast "Witness" history told from the people who were there. Everything from a US soldier taking a Hitler book, to the last days of Queen Victoria to Facebook! My new fave thing to listen to on my daily podwalks!

Now ... photo challenges for this week. Firstly my P52 shot. I am not sure why I like this photo so much with the terribly distracting background. However the light and her look I find captivating. And as someone pointed out, the front door and car are all part of the story.

PCF this week Maria set "self portraits" (huge groan from all involved) but Maria wanted us to be creative. And as I sat at lunchtime Friday thinking "what is me" I thought it does not get any better than this in summing up who "Helen" is.

I almost was not going to complete "develop on fridays" challenge this week - "unexpected light" and most of the examples were from night time. I am so poor at night photography. And as I lay in bed this Sunday morning, prizing my quiet reading time and delighting in my morning sun filtering through our venetian blinds, I was struck by this "unexpected" light that I love.

So here is my submission:

This collaborative kit seen below, named AYITI (for the Creole name of Haiti), was created to help the people of Haiti. Our very own Sandrine, (aka Timounette) whose children were born in Haiti, asked several designers to create this fabulous kit. 26 designers answered her call and this amazing kit was born! The money raised from this kit will go directly to groups working in Haiti. For example: Angel House orphanage where Timounette's children lived, which houses more than 70 children awaiting adoption in Port au Prince. Their building was completely destroyed, and the children are living in a tent city. Timounette has promised to keep you up-to-date on the funds that have been gathered, and the way in which these funds are being used, through her blog ( Thank you Sandrine for letting me play a very small role in this very worthy cause. Kit found HERE.

Here are a couple of pages I made with this expansive kit:

A page using Joanne Brisebois fantasti plastic pockets (remember to click on any scrap page for credits)

A fun page for this week's spotlight at Oscraps; things that make you laugh!

One more page using Nina's fabulous diary templates:

Leiko's latest release, this is gorgeous!

A new collab with Sue Cummings and Kaylea called Project 12:

When I complain to my French friends about Ange's new 'winter kit' they told me to get creative ... so I did! LOL! A summer page with a winter kit! But I could not bypass these fab masks and frames!

"Love is ..." in the air with Natasha's new kit. I could not resist a bit of fun here - talking bubbles read: she says: I wonder if the kids are okay? I feel fat and don't care; he says: I feel tired, still up for one game of COD (Call of Duty) though!

Hhhmmm...who could that be in refernce too?

Peppermint at Catscrap is producing some amazing products, this one is called "innovative" such a great boy kit, you should see the robot!

Finally Dawn has produced this wonderful new kit which is really versatile.

Have a great week everyone!


kym said...

Helen, I don't know how you keep up with all your designers and family life. You always create the most unique and spectacular layouts. I used to teach kindergarten for many years and I love that little poem that Katie recites and her 1st day of school drawing. Thanks for the family updates!

Sue said...

Hey Helen, I'm so pleased that Katie's first week was a great success ... long may it continue. So cute to read about Hugh's reaction to the whole event too. Bless him! And how's mama??? Well, judging by the amazing LO's you've been creating, I'd guess you're doing OK?!?!? Keep smiling & thanks for the updates from "down under". Hugs, sue.falstaff

MariaT said...

For some reason I can't get that song you wrote about Katie singing out of my head! 1234 put my bottom on the floor...
I'm glad the week went well and that Katie is enjoying it all. And Hugh just sounds like a true little gentleman, again.

Jacqueline said...

Lovely, Helen - so happy that Katie's first week away at school was fun for her and bearable for you :) Your story about Hugh and his 'sister' is precious and one to record.
You layouts stunning as are your photos, clever friend!.
lotsa hugs from the Great White Wet!

margote05 said...

That pleases to see that Katie likes the school! She is so good-looking in her uniform!!! I too like very much Katie's photo! The light is very beautiful;) as usual, I am amazed by all your pages! They are more beautiful the some than the others and always the filled with creativity! At the moment, I am out of order! Not means to make although it is! And that begins to be long! Bravo also for the photo of your book in your room, it is magnificent!
Good week to you

Leah said...

Katie sounds like she's doing really well with school. You must be so proud!!!!

WOndering if I could get Joseph to count better using that strategy..

Love the scrapping as always and I LOVE your photo for Develop on Fridays!!!

Amy said...

So glad she is loving school. I love to see the growth at this stage. They just seem to bloom!
You know I love that photo of her!

katg1006 said...

Wow...Helen that is an amazing post - I throughly enjoyed reading every single moment :) Love that Hugh went to find katie - that story is sooooo cute! Amazing photos (The light on the book *sigh*) and layouts :) How are you doing with Katie being in school and with changes? (((hugs)))

Jodie Redman said...

So many wonderful pages Helen! I especially love the barbie one and the beach collage one. It's fantastic that Katie loves school so much! Love the photo of her first piece of work on the fridge! Have a great week!

Ange said...

only one thing to say : YOU'RE THE BEST !!! I love your pages. And it's great for Katie ;)

Yummers! said...

WOW Helen!! So many wonderful layouts and interesting tid-bits on your post. You get me so inspired to scrap again... haven't done anything since Boyd died and I need to get over that hurdle. That part of my brain is still all muddled.

Love Katie's little chant... I'll pass it on to some of our teachers.

Love the photo of the book! I'd love that on my wall or above a book shelf! May I borrow it? I could sign your name below the photo! Let me know!
Grammy J

Life in Colors said...

What a great story about Katie's first school day, loved it. And so sweet that Hugh was going to look for her. How can you manage to make so much new layouts in a week ?? Wow, I'm sometimes out of inspiration. Love the one with Katie and her barbies, I think all kids do so, I remember Kayleigh always played with the naked barbies, even while she had so much pretty clothes to put on, I have never understand that, can't remember that I was doing so. Well, as I can see you spend your new free time very well. Take care my friend, talk to you soon.

Som said...

Helen, you are such a rockstar - i love it! great work on DOF so far...and your Katie's artwork is lovely. :)

Jane F. Smith said...

wow..look at all the beautiful eye candy here!!!! love all your photos and layouts and I am so glad that Katie is enjoying school...oh, that makes it so much easier to take doesn't it?

Che said...

I always enjoyed reading your posts Helen! Love your submission for Develop on Fridays! And your layouts are just beautiful!!

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