Friday, September 25, 2009

School holidays week one

Week one of our two week school holiday break is drawing to a close. As usual I had planned a multitude of activities for the children. I am a bit exhausted, Den says I spoil them, however, I like to think of educating them and exposing them to as much as possible. Monday Hugh came to work with me; Tuesday we all got the 'all clear' on our dental check up. Wednesday we went to library and the children made trains and we went to our local shops where they had these activities:

Here are the children diligently making wands:

Thursday was super busy. We started off at Bunnings (hardware store) where they always have the best activities for free. The kids just love their crafts:

This is the pile of books Hugh borrowed from the library on Wednesday LOL! Have to admit it makes me happy though. This week he discovered the Beast Quest books - for any of you out there with boys these are very cool books and an awesome website HERE. He gets to join a clan and was thrilled when I bought him his own book at the shops this week.

Friday we went swimming - Katie has been counting the sleeps until we went to the "froggie pool" - it has a frog slide and there is also a wave pool. Almost three hours of swimming certainly tired them out.

The highlight of Hugh's week would most certainly be helping Chef Anton. When I saw cooking demonstrations at the shopping centre I knew Hugh would be interested - certainly inherits that trait from his father. As fate would have it he got selected as the helper to make "silly soup" (basically a fruit smoothie - very yummy). He scored a free apron and excitedly wore it when making us all "silly soup" for dinner. Here is a quick video I took of him.

Now for a few days rest before I face next week. Have a great weekend everyone!


Jodie Redman said...

Sounds like you are having a fun time - if only the weather was a little better. Hope you have a great week next week too!

Nini said...

Busy, busy my friend! Good for you, exposing your kids to all kinds of different activities and lucky them too!! I'm sure they'll always remember all of those good times with mom and dad!

Kami said...

WOW!!! What a busy week!! Great times and I loved that little video of Hugh!!!

MariaT said...

Your kids are lucky you expose them to so many different experiences :)

Annika said...

You are like the best mother in the world!! Looks like you have had soo much fun and Im with you, its not spoiling...its educating! Love doing stuff with Bella that I know will spark her interest for something and I loooove taking her to the library!! How cool to see Hugh "live"!!

Nancy said...

you're a super mom for sure. katie looks so much bigger to me in the photos.

Life in Colors said...

Such great activity's you always planned. Love that there is always something to do at some shops, there's nothing like that here.

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