Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Student of the Week!

Well here it is. The first "award ceremony" (if it can be called that) that I missed. I had planned to be there but with Katie being sick since the weekend, I had to concede that me getting to assembly on Monday would not be possible. (Thanks Brenda for picking him up!)

So....we are so proud of you Hugh (yes! He reads the blog - often gives suggestions about what to put on itas well) in how well you have settled into your new class this year. YEY you for getting the confidence award for "demonstrating confidence when contributing to class discussions". Something he did a lot of last year but on my few visits to the class this year I found him very quiet. He is in a "powerhouse" group of kids and looks to have finally found his spot!


Nancy said...

HELEN!! this looks FABULOUS! LOVE your header, what a perfect choice. The sidebar looks great too!

i also wanted to say thanks for the Scrap Apple heads up, i would have never known. the coupons will come in handy. i seriously have to hit the galleries, and see what's going on out there, the days are just too short. i can't seem to find time to do it all.

Congrats to Hugh for his award, very deserving i'm sure. sorry you had to miss it, and I hope katie is feeling better.

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

Congralation HUGH... and It can happned YOU missed. I had once serval times with them whever I missed.. also... This Lovely Ones of your Header and Prefect Choice... Everything YOU changed.

Leah said...

Love all the changes to the blog!! You and Nancy are on the same track! Congrats to Hughie!

Jodie Redman said...

WTG Hugh!

Love the new look to your blog!

Wendy said...

Way to Go HUGHIE!! I am so proud of you!! If Michael only turns out half as good as you I would be happy!! Congratulations young MAN!!

Karin said...

CONGRATULATIONS, HUGH!!!!!! This is such a big deal! Keep up the good work- I know you will!!! May I write to you now, instead of your Mum?? You know, she's just such a Dag!!! Way to go, kiddo!!!!

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