Wednesday, April 09, 2008

One of those *sigh* moments

Last night the children were outside playing so nicely and having a ball - pardon the pun. I just sat in the background snapping away. Inevitably it always ends in tears .... a ball in the face. The good mother that I am just kept snapping away - hehehe. But look at the shot I was rewarded with. Hugh asked me not to blog it, I'll let you think why. Boys! A side of him he only ever wants his family to see. Sheesh. If I am going to scrap it I may as well blog it.

Sorry Hugh!


Nancy said...

oh my that's priceless! i'm glad you blogged it. i've scrapped so many pictures that vinny doesn't want on the internet, but some are just so good you can't help it. this is one of those shots.

Leah said...

*Sigh* Glad you snuck that one in. It's just a gorgeous photo! What a sweetie!

Angie said...

I think I love the expression on his face so much more than I can say. I see it in Edison. . .that "big brother has to console his sister - sigh" look.


Wendy said...

Oh Helen that is beautiful...Huhie you are a good little MAN!! Great photos Helen!! Do you want to adopt me...I do windows!! LOL...

Lotti said...

So sweet. Brotherly love...

Jodie Redman said...

Oh how sweet - he's such a good big brother. Gorgeous photo Helen - can't wait to see it scrapped!

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