Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's all about "ME"

The day has finally arrived .... I am now officially the big "40"!! The weekend started off well - yes! the weekend! It is beginning to sound like my son's birthday, however, Den wished to make a weekend of it. With the prediction of rain we were not quite sure what to expect. Saturday started off at Auskick for Hugh. Then, when I made some reference to my hair, Den suggested I go and get it cut and blow waved. Now that was a nice treat. With no rain in sight and the sun shining brightly, it was then decided to head off for the remainder of the day to Phillip Island - a favourite spot of ours. Once there (with a stop off at the chocolate factory along the way) we wander and pondered, played and strayed. It was fun. We finished it all off by the very special treat of having dinner at "Harrys". A restaurant Den and I would pick any day and to say I was excited when I saw the figs on the menu was an understatement. The food is so good there that Hugh picked eating at Harrys as his highlight of the day. Today with overcast skies we are settled in at home ... to read, to spend some time with you all here, to watch a movie, to soak in a bath, to sip champagne and to eat my choice of meal, Traditional Thai green chicken curry. There are some fun photos to see, and yes as promised, I made sure to jump in front of the camera. So as not to miss this rare opportunity - for it only happens once every forty years or so (hehehehe) click here to go and see the photos. Yup .... this weekend was all about me and I am happy to report that facing forty seemed to be more daunting than being forty. Life ain't so bad.


Jodie Redman said...

Happy Birthday Helen! Sounds like you've had a lovely birthday weekend. Gorgeous photos - lovely to see some of you in front of the camera. I especially like the one of you and Hugh - such a fun shot. Hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday!

Dig-Photos n Scrappings said...

Happy Birthday to HELEN!!!! YOU sound so much fun out there.. I like all the pictures you have taken!! great to hear that..

Hopeful YOU have a Great Bday!!


Leah said...

Happy Birthday!!! Loved this post, you look amazing. {{Hugs}}

Wendy said...

I love your HAIR...I noticed it in the photo last night on flickr...GREAT job!! I am so glad you were all able to make it to Phillips island and also to enjoy 'Harrys'...sounds like a wonderful day!! 40 isn't so bad after all is it?
Now I need to get my hair fixed up it cut last week but Fred and I both hate it...I'm going back this week to see what she can do to fix it, Ekk...
I'm proud of you Helen!! You've come a looong way babe!! (grin)!

Angie said...

Happy Birthday, my dear, sweet friend. I am so grateful for you -- and for your friendship. It's like MY present on YOUR birthday! ; )

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Helen!! 40 is the new 20 isn't it?
I worried myself sick leading up to my 40th but then discovered it wasn't as bad as I thought. lol
Loved looking at your photos. They are all so cool.
Philip Island looks wonderful. I haven't been there in over 30 years and would love to visit again.
Take care.

Gabi said...

Happy B-day, Helen!!!
Seems you had a lot of fun outside. Beautiful pictures. And you look fabulous with your new haircut!!!

Have a wonderful week!

Karin said...

Stunning pictures!! Looks like you had the time of your life. Again, happy belated birthday!!!!!!! Oh, and I looooove your hair!!!!!

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