Saturday, September 08, 2007

What a 24 hours!

Friday morning Katie woke up complaining her foot was sore again! GGrrrr! She has already been on antibiotics since Monday! Anyways.....a lunch with Grandma/Pa had been planned and off we went to that. Late afternoon we went to see our doctor and he said, "straight to hospital". I shall not bore you with details, suffice to say three hours later, two x-rays later, lots of poking and testing later, lots and lots of waiting later...... (but not paying a cent at a public hospital thank goodness) we came home with penicillin. All are left wondering why antibiotics are not working??? Woke up this morning and realised medicine is still in powder form! *sigh* back I go! I gotta get a break somewhere along the line. So I turned a negative into a positive and we set out for a walk since it is a beautiful spring day! And who could go past a rainbow ice cream on such a wonderful day ...... right? Happy days everyone!


Wendy said...

Aww Helen sounds like an exhausting day but that ice cream sure looks worth it!! LOL...Love the photos and love your reflection in Katies sunglasses!! Hope your weekend went better!!

ChristianeK said...

You poor dear...I hope Katie gets better soon and I hope you can get some rest and be able to catch your breath...looks like the ice cream was yummy...take care and hugs :)

Anonymous said...

What is going on? Geez, I'm gone for a week and all hell breaks loose!!! What is going on with Katie's foot??????? You poor thing- you must be emotionally drained!! Sending you all lots of love!!!!!



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