Friday, December 01, 2006

December 1! Yey... a long time coming!

December one has been a long time coming. I even had to put a calendar on the fridge so we could cross out all the days with so many exciting events to look forward to - none the least of which is putting the tree up, the last round of V8s, Katie's birthday and Christmas itself! Thanks to Grandma/Poppy we had our advent calendars at the ready today and had great delight in putting our chocie in number one! Katie was excited to wear her first ever Christmas t-shirt. And the race is on for the final V8 showdown. Will Lowndes or Kelly win? Hughie or Katie...well with the races that take place around my house it will be close but Hughie has his little sister doing time trials and "hot laps" so they will be well prepared.


Anonymous said...

Mel and I love your blog. I envy your leet html and photoshop skilz !

- David

Angie said...

Love the pics. Can't wait to walk through the holidays with you - even if we are a world apart!


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